Censored Books
vetted and approved
for your school's specific standards
A curated collection of books vetted for values and appropriateness

MCS Censored Books
While the standards of culture fluctuates, MCS standards remain rock solid.
As new secular books are constantly published, many may be inappropriate for your child.
We know you don’t have the time to vet them all thoroughly, so MCS applies a rigorous censoring process for every title.
Every MCS secular title offering was read, read and graded with our censor level system.
Now you can feel confident that the books you share with your students are inline with the values you hold dear.
We rank book titles on a scale of 1-4 and have listed detailed comments for reference.
Level One
- are completely appropriate
- most are picture books and early-reader chapter books
Level Two
May include:- Words like "stupid," "crazy" and bathroom language.
- Mention of technology, internet, TV, and/or movies.
- References to secular religious Holidays.
Level Three
May include:- Moderately foul language i.e. "heck" or "darn"
- Words like "flirt" and "romance"
- Subtle boy/girl situations
Level Four
May include a larger amount of foul language and immodesty as categorized in Level 3.It is possible to censor Level 4 books to a completely appropriate level without eliminating their meaning or appeal.
Any books that are entirely inappropriate or will lose their meaning or appeal after being censored are not distributed by Menucha Classroom Solutions.