Book Clubs
encouraging reading
outside the classroom
A reliable way for your students to order age-appropriate value-vetted books straight through your school

MCS Book Clubs are a convenient way for parents to order books for their kids,
knowing that all books in the program are approved by their childrens’ schools.
It’s free & easy for the school, convenient and appreciated by parents, and
beloved by kids worldwide.
knowing that all books in the program are approved by their childrens’ schools.
It’s free & easy for the school, convenient and appreciated by parents, and
beloved by kids worldwide.
Here's how book clubs work:
The school lets MCS know what kind of books they’d like to offer their students.
MCS provides catalogs for students to take home every three months.
Parents choose titles together with their children, and send the order form and payment back to the school.
The teacher submits all orders to MCS and receives valuable free books and other free classroom resources. Plus, every purchase earns cashback for your school.
When the shipment arrives, the students receive their purchases, and then the real fun begins!