Grants And Funding
up-to-date knowledge
to help you utilize all funding available
Full-breadth understanding of the grants and funding available to help your school purchase the products your school really needs

Approved as a vendor, experienced as a guide
vendor-approved states
school funding
schools assisted
Since 2015, Menucha Classroom Solutions has been an official product vendor in many states and municipalities.
We’re intimately familiar with the grants and funding available and with the intricacies of how they can be used toward purchasing the products your school really needs.
Many categories in our collection were created specifically with this knowledge in mind - to ensure that you can obtain all the funding available for your school & organization AND use it toward the practical & necessary items on your list.Plus, as an official vendor, some districts will eliminate the school as the middleman and send the funding directly to MCS. In such a case, all your school needs to do is accept the delivery.